Marel wants to develop sustainable supply chains in all aspects and with Paris climate agreement and UN social development goals as guiding compass.
Being a responsible corporate citizen is a top priority for Marel. The company takes great pride in embedding sustainability in everything it does to create long-term value for its customers and help them minimize their resource use and emissions while simultaneously aligning its own operations with socially and environmentally accepted principles.
Supply chain has developed into a key component in managing a company’s corporate social responsibility. We believe supply chain’s role is crucial in the full lifecycle impact on environment and people involved in the production of goods and services. As we strongly believe in partnerships for a sustainable world, we rely on our suppliers to deliver in this journey. Therefore, we invite all our suppliers to take part in the Ecovadis sustainability assessment as a first step to gain better understanding of sustainability risk mitigation.
Meet Customer Needs
Meet growing regulatory & due diligence requirements while demonstrating your sustainability commitment to your customers with a trusted sustainability rating